Use of private health insurance

This is an option for patients who have HEALTH INSURANCE (often covers the whole household)

Consultation and treatment without waiting!

Health insurance can be used for other than new knees, hips and back surgeries...

Many forget that they can get to without waiting, by simply calling their insurance company!

Book an appointment

NOTE: The use of private health insurance is booked in Charlottenlund Private Hospital and therefore does not result in increased waiting time for the health insurance patients in the public ear, nose and throat clinic.

There is a very sharp demarcation between the public health insurance clinic and Charlottenlund Private Hospital, which functions as two independent companies with different employees, opening hours and offers.

This means that no one will have to wait any longer because you use your health insurance – on the contrary, by using your health insurance, you remove part of the pressure on the public health insurance clinic, whereby another citizen without insurance gets to them more quickly.

As a private or insurance patient, there is no waiting time for examination, treatments or operations

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