"Virus on the balance nerve". Not a virus, but a long-lasting dizziness which typically gives a persistent feeling of seasickness and vomiting for several days in a row, and then gradually improves over weeks. With correct diagnosis with advanced equipment (so-called VHIT equipment) and a thorough medical examination, more serious conditions can be ruled out with a very high degree of certainty. Charlottenlund Private Hospital uses the latest and best equipment from Interacoustics for a correct and quick diagnosis. This is important as treatment for a virus on the balance nerve must be started within 48-72 hours - but also because some types of blood clots can cause symptoms that can be difficult to distinguish from a virus on the balance nerve.
At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we always have emergency appointments for quick and correct diagnostics and viruses on the balance nerve and thus exclusion of other more serious conditions. It is therefore important to get there quickly.