Recreational diver / sport diver surveys | Professional diver surveys - periodic surveys | Aspirant diver examinations prior to admission to the diving school | Balloon dilation of eustachian tubes for ear pain
Professional diving is a physically demanding job, and demands are placed on the diver's physical and health condition. Charlottenlund Private Hospital offers examinations by diving doctors who are approved by the Danish Maritime Authority. Everyone who deals with diving surveys are themselves experienced divers and have insight into what is required to be able to dive safely and securely as well as what is needed to work professionally as a diver.
Divers performing diving work must have proof of having undergone a medical examination for divers valid for the diving work in question. At maximum one-year intervals, this must be renewed by the diver undergoing a medical examination and being found fit to carry out diving work.
Medical examinations in Denmark may only be carried out by special diving doctors appointed by the Danish Maritime Authority. Specialist doctor Bjørn Arenkiel is responsible for diving medicine at Charlottenlund Private Hospital and has many years of experience in examining divers, as well as treating divers in the pressure chamber at Rigshospitalet, where Bjørn works as chief physician on a daily basis.
Many experience pain in the ears in connection with the descent into the depth, where the air in the middle ear is compressed and the eardrum is exposed to pressure, resulting in pain. Most divers know that you then have to search a little further up in the water column and try again - but in some cases it will not be possible to equalize the pressure, which is why the dive must be abandoned.
For professional divers, this may mean that you cannot carry out your work as usual, or may have to end your career. In other cases, it can be this problem which means that you never get your diving certificate and that the dream of underwater experiences has to be given up.
At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, clinic manager and specialist doctor Jacob Fisker - who is himself an active diver - offers this procedure to selected patients who have difficulties in equalizing pressure. The interventions are always carried out under full anesthesia and we have very long and extensive experience with this intervention.
Balloon dilation of the eustachian tube is carried out privately or through health insurance.
Read more about the intervention here - or read Felicia and Marie's story here!
Divers performing diving work must have proof of passing a medical examination.
The doctor must make an assessment of the diver's physical and mental condition.
A corresponding examination must be completed by the diver every 5 years (major diving examination). After the diver turns 50, the major examination must be repeated every 2 years instead of every 5 years.
In the other years, the professional diver must undergo a minor examination each year (the "small" diving examination).
If any indication is found, all relevant conditions must be investigated.
A special guide has been prepared for use by the doctors appointed as diving doctors by the Danish Maritime Authority.
The guide contains an overview of specific illnesses that may cause the examinee to be found unfit or to be restricted in the performance of the work.
During the examination, the examinee is declared fit, or if the examinee suffers from one of the diseases mentioned in the instructions, fit with limitation in the work area, or unfit.
The result of the examination is entered by the doctor in the diving certificate
Periodic 1-year examination: DKK 1,500.
Periodic 5-year examination: DKK 2,500.
NOTE: after the diver turns 50, the major 5-year examination must be carried out every 2 years
Diving aspirants must undergo a thorough medical examination to be admitted to the diving school.
The examination must only be carried out once and includes both an examination of the heart and lungs as well as an eye and hearing test.
Health requirements
Divers must be healthy, fit and have endurance.
Any congenital or acquired abnormality, any active or latent, acute or chronic disease, and conditions resulting from injury, injury or surgery, which may be presumed to render the diver unable to perform diving in a safe manner, will result in unfitness .
The examining doctor must be especially aware of the presence of the criteria below and disorders that may lead to unfitness for diving. Any underlying disorder must be investigated if necessary.
As a general rule, you can say that all chronic, organic ailments and conditions disqualify you for diving. Chronic inflammatory disorders are grounds for exclusion, as activated inflammatory reactions are assumed to predispose to decompression sickness. Experienced commercial divers are, however, permitted to dive in phases without disease activity, if there is good compliance with regard to control and treatment.
Aspirant examination: DKK 3,000.
In sports diving, you must in certain cases have an approved medical certificate to be allowed to dive.
In Denmark, there are no legal requirements for this, but depending on which organization you are a member of or are to take your education at, there may be a requirement for a medical certificate.
If, for example, you are to take your education through CMAS, there is always a requirement for an approved medical certificate. You can download this here.
PADI only requires a medical certificate if you make a mistake in something that you must answer yes to in the individuality declaration. You can download a PADI declaration here.
In addition, there are several places in the world where the diving center requires an approved medical certificate. You can often use this statement.
Recreational diving examination DKK 1,250.