ENT specialist Jesper Balle

Jesper Balle is one of the leading laryngologists in the Nordic region and treats patients both domestically and internationally.

He has extensive national and international collaborations and serves as the chairman of the Danish Laryngological Society.

Are you experiencing difficulty burping? You may be suffering from Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction (RCPD).

RCPD is a condition that causes difficulties with burping. Many patients experience abdominal pain and bloating, especially after consuming carbonated beverages.

Many patients report struggling to explain the issue to various doctors and often undergo numerous tests and treatments without success.

There is no specific test for RCPD, but the condition can be treated with a Botox injection into the esophageal sphincter.

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we offer treatment through Botox injections under general anesthesia and have extensive experience in treating this condition.

All procedures are performed by Jesper Balle, who uses the same technique and methods as Robert Bastian from the Bastian Voice Institute.

  • RCPD - problems with burping

    Charlottenlund Private Hospital offers examination and treatment for R-CPD (Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction).

    R-CPD is a condition that prevents burping. Many patients experience abdominal pain and bloating, especially after consuming carbonated beverages.

    The symptoms include gurgling sounds, bloating, and often excessive flatulence (gas in the stomach and passing wind).

    Patients often struggle with this issue for years and may not remember the last time they were able to burp.

    There is no specific test for R-CPD, but the condition can be treated with a Botox injection into the esophageal sphincter.

    In 80% of patients, this treatment resolves the condition, as the body can retrain its burping function during the period when the Botox is active, and the ability to burp is maintained afterward.

    Many patients describe having difficulty explaining the issue to different doctors and have often gone through numerous tests and treatments without any success.

    At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we offer Botox injections under general anesthesia and have extensive experience in treating this condition.

  • International treatment in Charlottenlund

    At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, you will be examined, operated on, and followed up by the same doctor — Specialist Jesper Balle.

    Jesper is a well-recognized name both nationally and internationally, and in 2025, he hosted Robert Bastian during his visit to Denmark. Dr. Bastian gave a lecture at the Danish Laryngological Society and also had the opportunity to visit his colleagues at Charlottenlund Private Hospital.

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