At Charlottenlund Private Hospital you can be treated for chronic sinusitis by some of Denmark's leading ENT doctors

Have you suffered from cold symptoms such as pressure in the face, stuffy nose, reduced sense of smell or runny nose for more than 12 weeks, and has rinsing with saline and nasal spray with adrenal cortex hormone not relieved the symptoms? Then you may be able to undergo surgery for chronic sinusitis, which will provide quick and lasting relief from the discomfort.

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we have high-tech equipment to perform the operation for chronic sinusitis. Our ear-nose-throat doctors are specialized in advanced surgery and have many years of experience with operations of the nose and sinuses, just as all surgeons participate annually in further training and international courses.

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions or want to make an appointment.

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  • What is chronic sinusitis?

    The sinuses consist of the frontal, sinus, jaw and sphenoid sinuses, which are cavities in the skull where inflammation can occur. The sinuses are connected to the nose, and in case of inflammation, these drainage passages are blocked. If the condition lasts more than 12 weeks, it is called chronic sinusitis.

    The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are confusingly similar to the symptoms of a cold. With chronic sinusitis, you will experience a heavy feeling and tightness in the area around the nose, facial pain, reduced sense of smell, stuffy nose, snot from the nose and difficulty breathing. This is because the inflammation blocks the passages from the sinuses to the nose. You can experience the symptoms on one or both sides of the face.

  • How does chronic sinusitis occur?

    Chronic sinusitis is a frequent condition that approx. 10% of the population suffers from. There are many causes of the condition, including allergies, narrow sinus passages, crooked nasal septum, smoking, nasal polyps and more. In some cases, the cause cannot be found.

    Acute sinusitis is an acute illness with pain and possibly fever and is due to an infection. This typically occurs in connection with a cold and lasts for a few weeks, after which it passes again. If you have many cases of acute sinus infections, in some cases you can offer an operation with the opening of the sinuses to prevent this. 

    In the vast majority of cases, acute sinusitis goes away on its own after 7-10 days, but some may find that the sinuses remain inflamed and filled with mucus. If this condition lasts more than 12 weeks, it is chronic sinusitis which must be treated medically or with surgery.

  • Function of the sinuses

    If you feel on the forehead bone, on both sides of the nose and in the curve between the eyes and the nose, you would think that the facial bone in these places is solid. However, it is not - between the outside and the underside of the bone there is a cavity. This cavity is called a sinus.

    It is not fully known why we even have sinuses. Some have suggested that the air-filled cavities are there to reduce the weight of the skull, while others believe that the sinuses act like a crumple zone in a car, so that trauma to the forehead and nose does not hit the brain. We know that sinus surgery does not affect the reverberation of the voice and they have no function for the nose.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis

In most cases, with sinusitis, it is enough to rinse the nose with salt water daily and use a nasal spray. Treatment with injection of adrenal cortex hormone can also be used if it is a disease with nasal polyps. If none of these treatments work, surgery is the next step.

Preliminary investigation

When you have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and you are set for an operation, you must undergo a preliminary examination. The preliminary examination takes place at our private hospital in Charlottenlund, where the doctor examines your sinuses with a short binocular examination and a review of the CT scan of your sinuses.

The binocular examination can often determine the cause of your chronic sinusitis. Is it due to, for example, nasal polyps, too large clam bones, crooked nasal septum or something else? The doctor can easily determine this with the help of the binocular examination and the CT scan. If surgery is to be performed for nasal polyps, large clam bones or a crooked nasal septum, this will be agreed in advance.

The study also shows whether, due to the anatomy, there will be challenges in accessing the sinuses during the operation.


Surgery for chronic sinusitis takes place under full anesthesia and takes approx. 1.5 hours. The operation may take longer if surgery is also required for nasal polyps, large clam bones or a crooked nasal septum.

The operation aims to create permanent drainage from the sinuses and to the nose by widening the natural drainage from the sinuses. It takes place through the nostrils and with the help of advanced equipment for 3D computer navigation, so-called CAS FESS technique. Since no two patients are alike, the way in which drainage is created may differ from patient to patient. The procedure is determined by the surgeon during the preliminary examination.

After the operation, a shorter sick leave may be required, but most people are ready to go to work within a week.

Advanced surgery and specialist doctors

As the operation takes place in a sensitive system close to vital functions such as the eyes and brain, it is performed exclusively by doctors with sub-specialisation in nose and sinus diseases. At Charlottenlund Privathospital, the operation is offered by specialist doctor and head of specialist clinic Jacob Fisker, as well as specialist doctor, PhD. Kåre Håkansson. Both have carried out many hundreds of these operations and participate several times a year in congresses and further education within nasal-sinus surgery. This ensures them treatment by experienced and competent hands.

Book an appointment for treatment of chronic sinusitis

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis and wish to be treated by us, you are welcome to contact us. Our secretaries are ready to help you with questions and to find time for both preliminary examination and surgery.

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