Laryngologist Jesper Balle, MD

Dr. balle is a leading expert in the Nordic region, with extensive international collaboration, and chairman of the Danish Laryngological Society

Charlottenlund Private Hospital offers examination, diagnosis, and treatment of vocal cord disorders, including various surgical procedures on the vocal cords.

All procedures are performed by Dr. Balle, who has been working with and assisting professional voice users since 2006. This includes singers, actors, journalists, lawyers, conductors, and other professionals who rely on their voice for their profession.

Dr. Balle is recognized as one of the leading laryngologists and vocal cord surgeons in the Nordic region and collaborates with some of the world's leading vocal cord specialists in both Europe and the USA, as well as speech therapists.

  • Cysts and polyps on the vocal cords

    Cysts on the vocal cords are fluid-filled blisters that form on the vocal cords. They can occur as a result of voice strain, infections, but sometimes they develop without explanation.

    The symptoms appear as persistent hoarseness and, in some cases, vocal fatigue during speaking. Treatment is almost always surgery followed by vocal rehabilitation.

  • Vocal cord paralysis

    Vocal cord paralysis can occur after an infection, as a complication following neck surgery, or as part of a cancer condition.

    The symptoms present as running out of breath, experiencing shortness of breath, or occasionally choking.

    Once the cause of the paralysis is identified, treatment can begin. 

    Treatment may involve moving the vocal cords closer to the center of the neck to improve voice function.

    The goal is for the voice to become stronger and clearer, to reduce shortness of breath, and to prevent choking.

  • Singer's nodules

    Singer's nodules, or vocal cord nodules, are localized thickenings on the vocal cords mucosa caused by prolonged overuse of the voice.

    These thickenings develop on the part of the vocal cords that vibrates the most when the voice is used.

    Symptoms of singer's nodules include hoarseness, a strained voice, vocal fatigue, and, in some cases, voice loss. It may also be difficult to sing high notes or maintain a stable voice during prolonged speaking.

    Treatment for singer's nodules involves modifying improper voice use through voice therapy to correct the technique that caused the thickening.

    In more severe cases, where conservative treatment is ineffective, surgery may be necessary to remove the thickening. 

    Professional guidance is essential, as improper treatment can lead to long-term voice problems.

  • Collaboration with speech therapists

    To ensure a swift rehabilitation of the voice and prevent relapse, it is crucial to ensure proper voice use through the intervention of a speech therapist/logopedist.

    Speech therapy can also help individuals learn techniques for better voice use and voice protection, which is essential for both professional speakers and those suffering from voice disorders.

    We collaborate with speech therapists internationally.

  • Professional voice users

    Our clinic is dedicated to ensuring that your voice functions optimally so you can perform at the highest level, no matter your stage.

    We understand the unique demands placed on professional voice users, and our treatments are tailored to your individual voice and the specific challenges you face.

    We offer

    • Diagnosis and treatment of voice problems
    • Assessment and treatment of everything from strain injuries, hoarseness, and vocal fatigue to more complex vocal cord disorders
    • Professional guidance on how to best maintain and protect your voice to prevent future problems.

    Your laryngologist, Jesper Balle, MD, conducts examinations, treatments, and consultations tailored to your specific issue. 

    Since 2006, Dr. Balle has worked with and helped professional voice users, including singers, actors, journalists, lawyers, conductors, and other professionals who rely on their voice for their career.

    Our clinic provides a safe, exclusive, and professional environment where you can receive the treatment and attention you need. With our expertise, you will gain the tools necessary to manage the challenges of being a professional voice user.

    If you need an appointment outside regular opening hours, we will gladly arrange it.

surgery of vocal cord cysts

Benign cysts and other benign changes on the vocal cords can be a big nuisance and contribute to poor voice quality. The cysts can be removed under full anesthesia by a small operation through the mouth while the patient is asleep. After this, the voice will in many cases improve significantly, or even normalize.

Surgery for paralysis of vocal cords

Medialization of the vocal cords is a procedure that can be carried out under general or local anaesthesia, whereby the vocal cord is injected with a "filler", whereby the paralyzed vocal cord is brought into the natural position for sound production.

In this way, patients suffering from hoarseness due to unilateral paralysis of the vocal cords achieve a fuller and more natural voice that is less hoarse.

Treatment of functional voice disorders

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, laryngologist Dr. Balle collaborates internationally with leading speech therapists.

Once surgical and medical treatment has been completed, we will refer you to the right speech therapy treatment.

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