Removal of tonsils (Tonsillectomy)

Have the tonsils removed safely with Denmark's highest expertise!

Expert removal of tonsils without complications

Complete removal of the tonsils is typically carried out due to repeated infections in the tonsils with streptococcal bacteria, as well as problems in the form of blocked tonsils and bad breath. The procedure is not performed on children under 20 kg.

At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we perform hundreds of these operations annually and we have the country's highest expertise and experience with this type of operation, as well as a very low incidence of complications for this procedure.

Book an appointment for treatment
  • What are the tonsils?

    The tonsils are part of the immune system and function as one of the first places where the body can begin to react to the encounter with foreign viruses and bacteria in order to be able to start the production of antibodies. 

    However, you can easily form antibodies without your tonsils, as the tonsils only make up a small part of the throat's immune system.

  • When should the tonsils be removed?

    While the function of the tonsils is to protect the body and form important antibodies, from time to time, unfortunately, the tonsils can have the opposite effect and become the seat of recurrent infections with bacteria, in which case they will then offer to remove the tonsils. 

    In other cases, the tonsils can grow so large that they can begin to block the throat. In these cases, they will also offer to remove the tonsils. 

    Other good reasons for removing the tonsils are as a finishing treatment, if you e.g. e.g. have had an abscess in the throat, or if you form many clots in the tonsils and get bad breath from this.

  • Removal of tonsils under full anesthesia

    At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, more of these operations are performed annually than anywhere else in the country. If you want to remove tonsils, or would like to know more about the procedure, please book a preliminary examination where the doctor will go over the arguments for and against removing tonsils for your particular case.

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