Ear pain can affect both children and adults, and the pain from the ear can be very severe - in fact, ear pain can be just as severe as pain from, for example, a tooth abscess and other similar very painful conditions.
Pain in and from the ear is most often caused by infectious diseases in either the middle ear or the ear canal. Severe ear pain is always a signal that something is wrong and should always lead to medical contact - preferably a specialist. As a patient, you often turn to your own doctor first, but in fact you should instead turn directly to a specialist, as the ear cannot be fully examined without both specialist training and special instruments such as e.g. ear microscope, ear instruments and suction which are not available from your own doctor. This is also the reason why you do not need a referral to see a specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases.
Unfortunately, the public ear, nose and throat clinics often have very long waiting times, which is why it can be difficult to get to, even if you suffer from an acute treatment-demanding and even painful condition. Many therefore choose to use private health insurance or contact Charlottenlund Private Hospital as a private payer, in order to gain quick access to competent specialist medical care.
At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we always have emergency appointments. We have many permanent specialists who are ready to treat both children and adults with ear pain. We offer treatment by Denmark's leading ear-nose-throat doctors and at Charlottenlund Private Hospital we treat a wide range of ear disorders on a daily basis. Regardless of whether you need an investigation or urgent treatment, you can always get quick help from us.
We receive both private patients, patients through private health insurance and patients through the Extended Free Hospital Choice.
Our ear-nose-throat doctors have many years of experience in treating various types of acute ear disorders, such as e.g. otitis externa (inflammation of the external ear canal which typically occurs after pool holidays abroad), otitis media in children and adults and many other painful ailments - and all the specialists are updated with the latest knowledge and practice in the field through continuous further training. In this way, we ensure that we can always offer the best treatment.
We always make sure to create a safe space for your child and with both an operating theater and anesthesia available every single day, we can always offer quick emergency procedures under both local anesthesia and full anesthesia. .
Contact us if you want an investigation or an emergency appointment for treatment of ear pain and acute ear disorders at Charlottenlund Private Hospital.
Ear pain can be very severe and severely debilitating.
How to examine yourself when you have pain
After a thorough examination, the specialist will advise you on which treatment you should have and what this entails.