Sleep difficulties in children can have many causes.
At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we have a lot of experience with children and we are among the only private hospitals in Denmark that have experience with anesthesia for very young children under the age of two. At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we examine small children who sleep poorly every day, and it is always possible to get a quick examination appointment.
Ear pain is one of the most frequent causes of sleep problems in children!
Ear problems where there is either continuous fluid in the middle ear or middle ear infections cause pain in the ears. Typically, children wake up with pain in their ears after sleeping 30-40 minutes, and then find it difficult to settle down and look up with their heads. Many parents experience nights of frequent awakenings, in some cases up to 20 times on a bad night. Panodil can have a good effect, but often does not work for long at a time. At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, we are ready to investigate whether there are signs that ear pain could be a possible explanation. If fluid is detected in the middle ear and this persists for more than 2-3 months, the condition can be treated by placing a drain, which often provides rapid relief of the pain and an improvement in sleep. Should it turn out that the ears are not the problem, you will of course be guided based on an overall assessment of whether there may be musculoskeletal problems, suspected reflux or perhaps constipation. Even if the problems do not originate from the ears, you will therefore always receive an overall assessment regarding further investigation and treatment of your child.
Children's polyps and large tonsils can be related to problems with the ears!
If your child snores pronouncedly or takes breathing breaks during sleep, has a chronic runny nose and difficulty breathing through the nose, children's polyps in the nasopharynx must be suspected - possibly in combination with large tonsils.
If your child sleeps poorly or takes pauses in breathing, it could be sleep apnea caused by large tonsils or polyps. The children's polyps are located behind the nasopharynx and can therefore block the Eustachian tube, which is the connection to the middle ear. This can cause fluid in the middle ear and otitis media. At Charlottenlund Private Hospital, an examination of tonsils and polyps is therefore always included when the little ones have their ears examined.
Charlottenlund Private Hospital is one of the only private hospitals in Denmark that offers surgery for children up to 6 months. age, which is because we have specially trained staff in anesthesia and recovery with special experience and training in anesthesia for children.
Contact us to book an appointment as either a private payer or through health insurance. We have no waiting time for examination of children.
The section for Søvn is located in the middle of Jægersborg Allé and the entrance is from the car park behind Menu, where you can also park for free for 2 hours.
Section for Sleep
Hans Edvard Teglers Vej 9, 2. th.
2920 Charlottenlund
Telephone hours: Weekdays 08:00 - 09:00
Tel.: 32 22 44 10
09:00 - 15:00
09:00 - 15:00
09:00 - 15:00
09:00 - 15:00
09:00 - 15:00